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Hotel Headaches: Handling Electrical and Plumbing Issues

Hotel Headaches: Handling Electrical and Plumbing Issues

G/BA engineers have developed strategies to help with common pain points for hotel and resort facility managers. Contact us for assistance if you're experiencing any of the following electrical or plumbing issues, and refer to our prior blog for Part 1, HVAC....

Hospitality Headaches: Addressing Mechanical Issues

Hospitality Headaches: Addressing Mechanical Issues

G/BA engineers have developed strategies to help with common pain points for hotel and resort facility managers. Contact us for assistance if you're experiencing any of the following HVAC issues, and stay tuned for Part 2, Electrical/Plumbing, next week....

Five Promoted by GBA in July

Five Promoted by GBA in July

Five team members were promoted to new positions at Grumman/Butkus Associates, including staff in the Evanston, New York regional, and Milwaukee regional offices.Frank Sanchez, CPD, GPD, and Jessica Schmitz were promoted to Project Manager.Alex Sir, E.I.T.; Willis...

ASHRAE Region VI Honors Two GBA Projects

ASHRAE Region VI Honors Two GBA Projects

G/BA's work at a large pharma campus and a science building renovation at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign has been honored with the ASHRAE Region VI Technology Award. The firm's chiller plant design for Zoetis in Kalamazoo, MI, received First Place in...

GBA to Host I2SL Green Labs Event April 17

GBA to Host I2SL Green Labs Event April 17

Join the Windy City I2SL on Wednesday, April 17, for a happy hour, presentation, and panel discussion on the ACT Label: The first eco-label for laboratory products.Allison Paradise of My Green Lab will present, followed by a panel discussion including Barbra Wells of...

Windy City I2SL Offers Two April Lab Events

Windy City I2SL Offers Two April Lab Events

The Windy City Chapter of the International Institute for Sustainable Laboratories hosts two thought-provoking events this month, including one that will be held at G/BA's Evanston offices. On April 4, "The Future of Lab Sustainability" will be explored at the UIC...