Category: Tech Tips

ASHRAE Audits: What Level Is Right For You?

ASHRAE Audits: What Level Is Right For You?

Energy management often begins with an energy audit, yet many energy managers are uncertain what to include in the scope. The American Society of Heating, Refrigerating, and Air-Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE) provides guidelines for three distinct levels of energy...

Hospital Energy Costs Up Sharply, New GBA Survey Reveals

Hospital Energy Costs Up Sharply, New GBA Survey Reveals

Grumman|Butkus Associates has released its 2023 Hospital Energy and Water Benchmarking Survey, featuring combined data from calendar years 2021 and 2022. For the first time, the report charts and historical data are available at a dedicated website, including...

How To Develop an Effective Energy Management Project List

How To Develop an Effective Energy Management Project List

At GBA, we love helping clients set up Energy Management Systems. A comprehensive tool is the DOE 50001 Ready Navigator ( It breaks the ISO 50001 Energy Management standard down into 25 tasks. At a minimum, energy management can be about...

Optimize Transfer Switch Settings To Protect Critical-Use Buildings

Optimize Transfer Switch Settings To Protect Critical-Use Buildings

Do your critical-use buildings have their transfer switch settings optimized? Critical-use buildings—such as hospitals, data centers, prisons, laboratories, and buildings that house industrial processes—utilize generators for backup power. Transfer switches are a...

Refrigerant Phase-Downs: What You Need To Know

Refrigerant Phase-Downs: What You Need To Know

GBA is occasionally asked about the potential impact of upcoming phase-downs of some common HFC refrigerants, including R410A. In 1988, the U.S. Senate unanimously ratified the Montreal Protocol, which led to a phase out of CFC refrigerants responsible for damage to...

Key Weather Considerations for PV Design

Key Weather Considerations for PV Design

Electrical designers must be conscious of environmental factors that will impact electrical equipment, including temperature, wind, snow, and so on. This is especially critical for photovoltaic (PV) installations where a large portion of the system will be subjected...

Ten Years of Data Center Fan Energy: 2021 vs. 2011

Ten Years of Data Center Fan Energy: 2021 vs. 2011

By Laurence Steiner, PE, LEED AP Thanks to efforts by the industry, a lot of progress has been made in improving energy efficiency in data centers. Completing a project last year, I was struck by the impact of the changes being made through improved HVAC design and...