Alexian Brothers is a 329-bed hospital that treats more than 18,000 inpatients annually.
- In this infrastructure improvement project, new bulk oxygen and nitrogen tanks, a new fuel oil tank, and two 2,000-kW emergency generators replaced old equipment.
- A four-cell cooling tower (with space for two future cells) replaced the old six-cell cooling tower to accommodate future facility expansion. The design included several acoustical treatments to meet the nearby property line’s 45-db requirement. Cooling tower fans are equipped with variable frequency drives (VFDs) and premium-efficiency motors.
- Condenser water pumps are equipped with premium-efficiency motors.
- The condenser water system includes sand filters and a water treatment system for condenser water.
- New gas service was brought in as part of this upgrade.
- Other features include domestic water services with meters, reduced pressure zone devices, and a new quad booster pumps package with VFDs.
- A 30,000-gallon, double-wall, buried fuel oil storage tank and fuel oil pumps provides fuel for generators and existing boilers.