Village of Glencoe, Village Hall
GBA helped this Chicago suburb improve functionality and save money by analyzing and upgrading its primary administrative facilities.
The Response
GBA developed an upgrade strategy including the following elements:
- Two existing constant-volume multi-zone air-handling units were replaced with one new variable-air-volume AHU with fan-wall-type supply and return fans, expanded economizer operation, outside air intake monitoring, and a chilled water cooling coil.
- Two water-cooled chillers that used potable city water for heat rejection were replaced with a new air-cooled chiller, with variable-speed compressors and chilled water pumps.
- Two low-pressure steam boilers were replaced with high-efficiency condensing-type hot water boilers. All of the old steam and condensate piping within the building was replaced with new hot water piping.
- The building’s existing pneumatic controls were replaced with direct digital controllers, linked on a communication network with a new server providing easy browser access to the maintenance and operations team, as well as reporting equipment status for validation and troubleshooting.
- Outdated electrical service was replaced with a new electric service and main switchboard.
- Additional replacements included toilet and locker exhaust fans, heating and ventilating equipment serving garages, replacement of the existing electric domestic hot water heater with a high-efficiency gas-fired heater, replacement of a make-up air unit serving a gun range, and replacement of heating elements and control valves in convectors throughout the building.