Argonne National Laboratory
GBA has provided analytical, design, commissioning, and retro-commissioning services to the laboratory on an ongoing basis.
The Response
A signature project is engineering design for the $26 million, 75,000-square-foot Center for Nanoscale Materials. The CNM includes Class 100 and Class 1000 cleanrooms; wet, dry, and bio laboratories; and offices and support functions, including a computer room.
In collaboration with architectural partner Studio GC (prime on these projects), GBA has done numerous other commissioning and design projects at ANL within the recent few years. These include:
- Clean Room Expansion Project: Commissioning for a 10,000-square-foot, two-story addition to the CNM, including a Class 100 clean room and associated support spaces.
- Enterprise Data Center (Building 386): Commissioning for new 12,000-square-foot data center.
- Building 437 LOM Interior Build-Out.
- Building 203: R-Wing Sanitary Drain Replacement.
- Building 201 MELEV-N1 Elevator Replacement.
- Building 360 Restroom Renovation.
- Building 202 First-Floor Core Restroom Renovation.
- Building 205 Dry Room Renovation.
- Battery Testing Lab.
- Building 203 Chilled Water Modifications,
In addition to projects with Studio GC, GBA’s projects in the past decade directly contracted to ANL include:
- Campuswide Retro-Commissioning Plan: Multi-year phased initiative. GBA engineers are working collaboratively with the ANL facilities staff to plan and implement retro-commission- ing to the laboratory’s top 40 utility-consuming buildings.
- 200 Complex Cooling Systems Master Plan.
- Energy Audits using Thermal Imaging.
- Building 437 Energy Modeling.
- Building 435 Energy Modeling.
- Photometric Study of the Advanced Photon Source.
- “Guiding Principles for High Performance and Sustainable Buildings” Compliance Assistance.
Photos: Argonne National Laboratory